The Godfather of Ultralight Backpacking Comes to Bend | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

The Godfather of Ultralight Backpacking Comes to Bend

Glen Van Peski's new book, "Take Less. Do More." encompasses life lessons learned from ultralight travel spiced with generosity, gratitude, and curiosity

click to enlarge The Godfather of Ultralight Backpacking Comes to Bend
Photos courtesy Glen Van Peski
Left, “Take less. Do more.” book cover. Right, Glen Van Peski himself.

Author Glen Van Peski's byline reads "Entrepreneur/Engineer, Author/Speaker, Philanthropist/Dishwasher," which provides a unique introduction to this man of many accomplishments, especially the "dishwasher" moniker. Van Peski will do a book signing and presentation at Roundabout Books and Cafe in Bend on May 2 for his new book, "Take Less. Do More: Surprising life lessons in generosity, gratitude, and curiosity from an ultralightweight backpacker."

"The book really stems from me working for almost 50 years to reduce my packweight, which started with my first big adventure, cycling across the United States in 1976 with a couple of buddies," said Van Peski, who also led backpacking trips for his son's Boy Scout troop. "I realized as I thought of writing this book, that those lessons that I learned from lightening my load were also applicable to leading a more fulfilling life even when I was off the trail."

Van Peski holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from California State University – Northridge and a Master of Business Administration from National University. Though Van Peski retired in 2017 from civil engineering, he's always been an "inveterate tinker and maker," always involved in some project or another.

In 1998, Van Peski founded Gossamer Gear and championed the concept of ultralite equipment for outdoor adventures. His energy and interest revolutionized backpacking for weekend or long-distance hikers and cyclists. Through this process, Van Peski learned that "take less, do more" was more than just a slogan but a way to create purpose, joy, and meaning in his life.

"When you lighten your load you create margin," said Van Peski. "This margin can be used to travel further, but it also gives you margin to help others." As an example, having margin in finances by living on less than he makes and setting some of this by to address the needs of others that come across his path enables him to take notice and have resources such as time, energy, and money to impact the lives around him.

This approach to generosity connected him to people and their businesses, such as Travel Ledge, Bluffworks, Food for the Sole, and Love Life! Van Peski used his margin to either invest in these companies or to help them with designs and prototypes, all while maintaining his leading life lesson of "adventures provide the richness and texture to a life well lived, so remain open and keep saying yes to life's opportunities."

"My hope is that the words I've chosen, because people hear things in different ways and absorb them at a time that's right for them, and the stories I've told and the timing of the book, will coincide for them and they can implement some of the lessons in a way that creates a life with a little more purpose, meaning and joy," added Van Peski.

"We are so excited to hear how Glen Van Peski took the slogan "take less, do more" to another level in his new book of the same name," said Julie Swearingen, Roundabout Books & Cafe event manager. "The author will do a short reading from the book, explain some of the life lessons found inside, and then answer questions before signing books." Van Peski will also donate 100% of the profits from the sale of his book to the Pacific Crest Trail Association.

This is a $5 ticketed event; sign up on the Roundabout Books & Cafe's website and purchase a copy of Van Peski's book in advance. "Take less. Do more. It's a revolutionary idea that will transform your life and free your soul to find your purpose — and maybe a little bit of adventure too," said Van Peski. Plus, you'll want to hear about his adventure as a dishwasher in person.

Author Presentation and Book Signing
Thu., May 2. 6:30 pm
Roundabout Books & Cafe
900 NW Washington Dr, Suite 110, Bend

Damian Fagan

Damian Fagan is a freelance writer, outdoor enthusiast and avid birder. He is the author of several wildflower field guides including "Wildflowers of Oregon" and "Wildflowers of North America." Fagan lives in Bend with his wife, Raven, and a pollinator-friendly garden.
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