Weekend Projects to Boost Your Home's Value | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Weekend Projects to Boost Your Home's Value

With the right approach, these projects can not only enhance your living space but also significantly increase your home’s value

For many homeowners, the weekend is a prime time for tackling those home improvement projects that have been lingering on the to-do list. With the right approach, these projects can not only enhance your living space but also significantly increase your home's value.

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Your Home's Value
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1. Refresh Your Curb Appeal

First impressions matter, and the exterior of your home sets the tone. Simple tasks like repainting your front door, updating your house numbers and adding potted plants can create a welcoming entrance. Consider power washing your driveway and walkways to remove dirt and grime. Fresh mulch in garden beds and trimmed hedges can also make a significant difference.

2. Upgrade Your Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in how a space feels. Swap out old, outdated light fixtures for modern, energy-efficient options. Focus on areas like the entryway, kitchen and bathrooms, as these are high-traffic areas that benefit the most from improved lighting. Installing dimmer switches can add versatility and ambiance to your lighting scheme.

3. Revamp Your Kitchen

The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, and small upgrades here can have a big impact. Painting or refinishing your cabinets, replacing outdated hardware, and adding a stylish backsplash are all manageable weekend projects. Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances can further enhance your kitchen's appeal.

4. Enhance Your Outdoor Living Space

In Bend, where outdoor living is a cherished aspect of life, enhancing your backyard can greatly boost your home's value. Build a simple deck or patio, install a fire pit or set up an outdoor dining area. Adding comfortable seating and decorative lighting can transform your yard into an inviting retreat for both family and guests.

5. Create Functional Storage Solutions

Buyers appreciate ample storage space. Invest in custom shelving units for your closets, pantry or garage. These can be DIY projects that maximize space and add organization to your home.

6. Freshen Up the Paint

A fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into any room. Opt for neutral colors that appeal to a broad range of buyers. Focus on high-traffic areas like the living room, kitchen and bathrooms. Don't forget to touch up trim and baseboards for a polished finish.

7. Update Bathroom Fixtures

Simple updates in the bathroom can make a big difference. Replace old faucets, showerheads and towel bars with modern fixtures. Adding a new mirror and lighting can also refresh the space.

8. Install Smart Home Features

Smart home technology is increasingly popular among buyers. Install features like a smart thermostat, video doorbell or smart lighting. These upgrades can make your home more energy-efficient and secure, adding value and appeal to tech-savvy buyers.

9. Improve Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient homes are attractive to buyers. Seal drafts around windows and doors, add insulation where needed and consider installing energy-efficient windows.

By dedicating a few weekends to these projects, you can significantly boost your home's value and appeal. Whether you're planning to sell soon or simply want to enhance your living space, these upgrades are well worth the effort. Happy renovating!

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