City Survey | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

City Survey

The City of Bend is looking for input from residents

The City of Bend said it wants to gather feedback about the City and City services, and is asking Bend residents to take 10 minutes to participate in an online community survey.

Community participation will help the City set priorities, the City said. Survey results will be presented to the Bend City Council in January, 2019 as it embarks on its next round of biennial goal setting.

The online survey is available in both English and Spanish from now until Dec. 22. Online survey results will complement a recently completed statistically-valid phone survey and will also be shared with the City Council.

Responses are completely confidential and no name or identifying information will be associated with responses. The online survey is being hosted by an independent, third-party research firm, DHM Research. DHM will also collect and analyze the results.

Go to to fill out the survey.
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