Sally Russell Sworn in as Mayor | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Sally Russell Sworn in as Mayor

Russell became Bend’s first directly elected mayor since Mickey Mouse first appeared on screen

During a brief Bend City Council meeting on Wednesday night, Municipal Court judge Gwen Moore swore in Sally Russell as Bend’s first directly elected mayor since 1928. 
click to enlarge Sally Russell Sworn in as Mayor
City of Bend
Newly elected mayor Sally Russell thanks Jeff Payne as Gena Goodman-Campbell looks on. Payne gave Russell a plaque and gavel to commemorate her mayorship during Wednesday's City Council meeting.

“This is a night of celebration,” Russell said before the swearing in and after changing her pro tem placard to read "mayor."

The Bend Children’s Choir performed “America The Beautiful” to a standing-room-only crowd—mostly friends and family of the newly elected mayor and council members.

Newly elected Councilor Gena Goodman-Campbell stood with her young daughter along side reelected Barb Campbell and Russell while judge Moore read the oaths.

Russell gave the newly elected members of Council two minutes to address the overflow crowd.

Barb Campbell started by jokingly saying two minutes isn’t enough time to start her comments.

“I want to thank the voters,” Campbell said. “People participated in this election (in a way) that I’ve not seen before.”

Gena Goodman-Campbell thanked her parents, her husband and her young daughter for supporting her during the election process.

“Thank you to my friends who are here who I literally would not and could not have done without,” she said.

She said the Children’s Choir performance was very important to her, and that the children of Bend are as well.

“The people of Bend are our greatest resource,” Goodman-Campbell said.

“It is truly an honor to be sitting here, and to be sitting here as your mayor,” Russell said.

Russell thanked the voters and the community members who helped her campaign. And, she thanked the people who came before her on the Council and ex-mayor Jim Clinton who said, "short night tonight Sally," when asked if he wanted to make any comments.

Councilor Justin Livingston nominated Councilor Bruce Abernathy for mayor pro tem, which the Council unanimously passed.

City Manager Eric King recapped Russell’s vacant Council seat, which will be appointed by the Council. The appointee will serve until 2020.

Applications are due by midnight this Friday. The Council is planning on choosing the top three to five candidates on Jan. 8. On Jan. 14 from 5 to 9pm, the chosen candidates will be interviewed by the Council. That's scheduled to be televised like other open meetings, King said.

King said he thought the Council is interested in making its appointment on Jan. 16, but said they have 30 days from Jan. 2 to make it.

Russell said the candidate should really serve our entire community, have collaboration skills and be able to build consensus with the entire group.

People interested in the open Council position can visit to see how to apply.
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