Blizzards and Bikes | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Blizzards and Bikes

Maybe it's time to add blizzards to the short list of do-not bike occasions. WTF?

It's Bike Town U.S.A. Yeah, we get it. But honestly, who wakes up 10 inches of snow and more piling up by the minute and thinks, "What a great day to ride my bike downtown!" But that's just what more than a few folks that we ran across on Tuesday, aka Snowpocalypse 2011, were doing - or trying to do. With sidewalks un-shoveled and streets clogged with cement-like snow, anyone could see that there was nowhere to ride - anyone that is except for those foolhardy folks who evidently can't discern between cyclocross racing and commuting. Yes, this is Bend and we don't let Mother Nature keep us off our bikes, paddle boards, etc. But sometimes, it's OK to leave the two-wheeler in the garage. We all know it's impossible to ride our full-suspension Kona in a swimming pool and we Bendites grudgingly accept that. Maybe it's time to add blizzards to that short list of do-not bike occasions. WTF?

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