For U.S. House of Representatives Seat 2: Joyce Segers | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

For U.S. House of Representatives Seat 2: Joyce Segers

Joyce Segers isn't gong to be elected to Congress this year, or ever. And that's a good thing, because she may be one of the least prepared candidates we've ever seen for a seat as important as that of a United States congresswoman. But that's not going to stop us from endorsing her for the position. And that alone should tell you more than you would ever need to know about her opponent, Republican Greg Walden who has held the seat for 10 long years.

During that time Walden has amassed a record of nearly unmatched conservatism that solidified his place as an up and comer in the Republican Party Central Committee. But it's come at the expense of his constituents and in many instances defied common sense. But that's Walden for you, a man who has always been more about posturing than good public policy.

A modest health care overhaul that's been so watered down with compromise that it doesn't even contain a public option? Not on Greg's watch.

Banking industry reform to avoid another catastrophic collapse like the one that precipitated the current recession and much hated bailout? Needless regulation of a self- regulating industry, according to Walden and his corporate controlled cronies.

So what does Greg Walden stand for?

On Taxes: Permanent tax cuts for the richest Americans even as the American middle class shrinks and the gulf between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of us grows wider. (Oh yeah, the cost: $4 trillion in lost revenue over the next decade. Sounds like a great solution to the Social Security crisis, doesn't it?)

On Iraq: He voted to start the war and hasn't looked back or ahead since. Case closed.

On the Environment: Walden opposed the 2009 climate-change bill, supported drilling off Oregon's coast and in Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), stumped hard for increased timber harvest on old-growth federal lands while pushing for a relaxing of the Endangered Species Act and introduced legislation that would make it more difficult to create federally protected lands, such as monuments and wilderness areas, in Oregon without his approval, despite evidence that these designations have positive economic impact.

If you think Walden is just reflecting the desires of his home district, we'd beg to differ. Consider the fact that his district includes the not-so- overwhelmingly conservative towns of Hood River, Bend and Ashland.

While we understand that a slight majority of Walden's constituents may approve of his record, we don't think that gives him license to entirely overlook the 45 percent who are appalled by it.

For that reason, we're giving the nod to Segers because it's the only way that we can think of to tell Greg that we're out here and we'd like to see him join us at least occasionally in the gray area between the ideological zealots on the left and the right.

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