Merkley vs Wall Street | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

Merkley vs Wall Street

Opinion on Merkley vs Wall Street.

Let's hear it for Jeff Merkley.  Any of you who watched the testimony of big time Bankster Jamie Dimon [JP Morgan Chase CEO] to the Senate Finance Committee should be proud of our Senator.  The Republicans on the Committee, especially Jim DeMint of South Carolina were so cravenly obsequious it was nauseating.  DeMint seemed ready at any minute to fall on the floor and give Dimon a shoeshine with his tongue.  It was obvious the Republicans on the committee were bought by the great Master of the Banking Universe whose brilliant stewardship just cost his bank anywhere from three to nine billion bucks, all of it Federally Insured money that would require taxpayers to bail out if the bank goes belly up.
The Senator from Nebraska behaved like an 8th Grader at the Smithsonian asking gee-whiz questions about dinosaur bones, "Oh gee Mr. Dimon, sir, could you tell us how to regulate banking 'cause you're a great genius and all...”He was so in awe of Dimon it looked as though he was about to ask for the man's autograph.

Only Merkley had the balls to actually ask some tough questions of this mega-thief who acted like he was doing the Senate a favor for appearing.  And Dimon looked irritated as though he was wondering who this pipsqueak Merkley was daring to ask for an accounting of his misdeeds and incompetence.  You can be sure when Merkley runs for office next time his Republican opponent will be showered with cash from Wall Street. I also invite the Source's readers to check out Matt Tiabbi's newest exposure of the LIBOR scandal, which is just now unfolding.  It reveals just how corrupt the world wide banking system is.  Shocking stuff.  But not much will happen since the Banksters have bought the Republican Party and most of the Democrats as well.  Oregonians are fortunate to have Jeff Merkley on our side.  Unfortunately, those of us in this Congressional District are stuck with Greg Walden, a total lap dog of Wall Street and a member of the radical Republican nut cases that are now the majority in the House of Representatives.


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