Bike lanes on Skyliners Rd.
That's the gist of last night's meeting on the Skyliners Rd. reconstruction project.
Deschutes County Road Dept. engineer George Kolb said the decision has been made to create 6-foot wide bike lanes, demarcated by an 8-inch wide stripe on the popular Bend road.
This is good for cyclists and other user groups since a "bike lane" designation means no cars can park in the avenue marked as such (unlike a "bike way:" which have narrower lanes and a thinner stripe).
Kolb said his department received lots of positive feedback about the project, which is slated to begin in 2013 and will likely be finished by the end of the 2014 construction season. The temporary posted speed limit of 45 mph will be raised to 55mph once construction is completed (it will remain 25mph in the subdivision at the top of the road, where the new bike lanes will narrow to 5 feet).
"The biggest thing people want to see is bike lanes," Kolb noted.